I am "PRO-BLACK" I am not "ANTI-WHITE", unlike...
(these racist bastards)
The most racist incident I experienced occurred when I who was in charge of an Honor Guard welcomed former President Eisenhower to his retirement in Palm Springs, CA.. In the Honor Guard of 12 Airmen there were 9 Caucasians, one Hispanic, one other Negro Airman besides me, who was the ranking Airman in charge. This RACIST BASTARD walked through the ranks with me up front, passed by the Hispanic across from me, did shake the hand of all the troops except those of the Minorities.
After this incident, and after qualifying for OCS to become an officer, also I decided not to extend my enlistment in the Air Force, even though I would have received $10,000.00 to re-enlist.
I later found out that my venture into civilian life would present more extreme barriers then those I experienced in the Air Force.
I have had difficulty keeping and maintaining employment since leaving the USAF in 1965.
Months after being hired by RPD I was very discouraged when I entered the briefing room before beginning a shift to see on the bulletin board in large letters “Casa Blanca 2, RPD 0”, after two Hispanic youths were killed by RPD Officers. The killing of the first youth, I believe to be approximately 14 years of age was shot in the back after an accusation of a minor theft. I was told later by my Senior Training Officer that the police had lied regarding the circumstance of this shooting to avoid liability. I was advised by this Officer that the Officer shooting the youth had mistakenly shot the youth.
RPD had Police officer(s) who served as part time dispatchers who referred to African Americans as “NIGGERS”, and were not sanctioned by his supervisors.
During my interview prior to being hired for the RPD, I was as asked by LT. Randell, “what I would do if my fellow officer would address me as a Nigger?). My first inclination was that I would call him a cracker, but I thought that might have caused me not to be hired and stated as my Mother had taught me is to ignore such remarks. Months later I asked some of my fellow white officers if they had been asked similar questions during their interviews, and they all stated they had not been asked such questions.
These RACIST BASTARDS SCHNEIDER NATIONAL CARRIERS have now sued me, was able to obtain a $700,000.00 lien from a biased Judge who appear to have some obligation to this company, causing me un-necessary mental stress and humiliation, http://www.truckerscomplaint.com/. Walter L. Ellis uedcinc@aol.com
It is obvious that when AFRICAN AMERICANS have complaints, or seek justice, nobody answer or investigate.
This author’s purpose is
to make the universe aware of the discriminatory, racist practices suffered by
most AFRICAN AMERICANS in this United States of CAUCASIAN America.
My name is Walter Ellis an
AFRICAN AMERICAN born April 23, 1938. My
father John Ellis who was born September, 1889 in Alabama and most likely a
slave. He was a hobo who used trains as his main means of transportation. In
his youth he later moved to West Virginia, fought with John L. Lewis assisting
in forming the UNITED MINE WORKERS of AMERICA, purchased properties, built a
business and raised the four children (2 brothers and a sister). These successes were accomplished with him
having a 3rd grade education.
ACTIVIST, always said he “wouldn’t take any shit off anyone” and was a chronic
curse. One his favorite quotes was
Since his demise in 1965,
I always considered myself as a CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST and try not to take any
shit off anyone, I am a chronic curser and have adopted my father’s quote “AFTER
Walter Ellis.... AN AFRICAN AMERICAN POLICE OFFICER, in 1966-1969_______
As an African American Police Officer, the 5th hired at that time by the (Riverside police Department) RPD was familiar with why, “The officers were white, the men charged with their slayings were black, and the case brought racial strife to Riverside………” This writing goes on to say “a city that had proudly completed voluntary school desegregation that previous decade.”
Months after being hired by RPD I was very
discouraged when I entered the briefing room before beginning a shift to see on
the bulletin board in large letters “Casa Blanca 2, RPD 0”, after two Hispanic
youths were killed by RPD Officers. The killing of the first youth, I believe
to be approximately 14 years of age was shot in the back after an accusation of
a minor theft. I was told later by my Senior Training Officer that the police
had lied regarding the circumstance of this shooting to avoid liability. I was
advised by this Officer that the Officer shooting the youth had mistakenly shot
the youth.
RPD had Police officer(s) who served as part time dispatchers who referred to
African Americans as “NIGGERS”, and were not sanctioned by his supervisors.
During my interview prior to being hired for the RPD, I was as asked by LT. Randell, “what I would do if my fellow officer would address me as a Nigger?). My first inclination was that I would call him a cracker, but I thought that might have caused me not to be hired and stated as my Mother had taught me is to ignore such remarks. Months later I asked some of my fellow white officers if they had been asked similar questions during their interviews, and they all stated they had not been asked such questions.
The RPD was so narrowing minded during the assignation of the two officers that they blocked out the involvement of any whites. “A rookie police officer's account of seeing, questioning -- but not detaining -- Lawton at Bordwell Park near the shooting just minutes after the incident was not reported by him until weeks later, after Lawton's arrest.” If this suspect was Mr. Lawton he was released because he appeared to be white.
This the oath I and I expect all RPD officers took:
=Law Enforcement Code of Ethics=
As a Law Enforcement Officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all men to: liberty, equality and justice for ALL. (I assume it was meant for "BLACKS" also )
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty. .
I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities………………………….
I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession…law enforcement………….....
Adopted 1956, The Peace Officers’ Association of the State of California
Several years ago I was told by my good friend and fellow officer Ledell Lee that he was the first officer on the scene, and was fearful that Christensen was going to shoot him before he deceased, and had a difficult time retrieving his revolver. Officer Lee who later retired from the FBI and is African American also told me several years ago that he was told that he wasn’t invited to assist in the investigation due to he and all “Negroes” were suspect in the officers killings.
I was advised by my wife while returning from Louisiana after the shooting that the officers were killed. At that time I was on a one year leave of absence from RPD, called the department from Texas, and asked if I could be of any assistance. I was abruptly told that my assistance wasn’t needed.
"A lot of people know what happened," Tennell said of the Christiansen and Teel slayings. "People didn't talk out of fright, or didn't care, or were happy that some white cops got killed. A lot of people didn't open their mouths."
When I was told that Tennell was one of the lead investigators, and RPD had turned down the assistance of State and Federal agencies, I felt that it was a major mistake to have someone as Tenell who had controversial relationships with the minority communities would most likely screw up the investigation. I felt that his appearance of prejudice toward minorities, hippies and others would diminish his capacity to produce positive results.
It should also be mentioned that during the investigation, interviews by hypnosis of some of the RPD officers they had made statement calling Blacks “Niggers” etc.. The prosecutor could not use some of this important testimony because they did not want to expose how RACIST many of the RPD officers were.
When I took leave from RPD there were 4 “Negro” officers, (and were treated as such), out of a total force of 106. There was one African American female working in administration. When I investigated a few years ago there were 20 African American officers out of a total of 360. Things are no better now than then.
Regarding my experience on the Riverside PD
March 21, 2012
To: Riverside Police Department / Press Enterprise
Re: Possible Police Manslaughter
From: Walter L. Ellis Former Riverside Police Officer, (1966-1969)
While in the process of writing a book regarding my experience on the Riverside PD, I am seeking information on one case in particular that took place shortly after being hired by RPD.
This case involved a 14year old Hispanic male being shot by a Riverside Police Officer. As I recall it appeared that there was a cover up according to my training officer. I was told that the youth was accidentally shot in the back after being reported to have stolen a candy bar. I was told that the RPD conspired to indicate that the 14year was suspected to have a weapon, and was the reason for the killing. I was told that the RPD manufactured this story to reduce liability.
The Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida reminds me of how crimes and wrong doings are yet being covered up by what we used to be considered "Riverside’s Best".
I ‘m asking that the RPD, with the assistance of the press, furnish me with a copy of this report so that I will be able to include all the facts of this youth’s death.
You can be contact me at: Walter L. Ellis
Before commenting I would like to express my sorrow for the loss of these fellow officers, one Paul Teel who was hired by RPD at the same time as me in 1966, I also pay my homage and regret.
As an African American Police Officer, the 5th hired at that time by the (Riverside police Department) RPD, I was familiar with their bias'.
An article by: RICHARD K. DE ATLEY / The Press-Enterprise
"The officers were white, the men charged with their slayings were black, and the case brought racial strife to Riverside………" This writing goes on to say "a city that had proudly completed voluntary school desegregation that previous decade."
"A lot of people know what happened," Tennell said of the Christiansen and Teel slayings. "People didn't talk out of fright, or didn't care, or were happy that some white cops got killed. A lot of people didn't open their mouths."
The first part of the above statement is true, but if the truth is told the de-segregation of the schools in Riverside was anything other than voluntary.
Riverside, Riverside County Judicial System to include RPD, Sheriff, is stated to be one of the most discriminating County in the US of A. (From my experience, I would agree.)
Months after being hired by RPD I was very discouraged when I entered the briefing room before beginning a shift to see on the bulletin board in large letters "Casa Blanca 2, RPD 0", after two Hispanic youths were killed by RPD Officers. The killing of the first youth, I believe to be approximately 14 years of age was shot in the back after an accusation of a minor theft. I was told later by my Senior Training Officer that the police had lied regarding the circumstance of this shooting to avoid liability. I was advised by this Officer that the Officer shooting the youth had mistakenly shot the youth.
RPD had Police officer(s) who served as part time dispatchers who referred to African Americans as "NIGGERS", and were not sanctioned by his supervisors.
During my interview prior to being hired for the RPD, I was as asked by LT. Randell, "what I would do if my fellow officer would address me as a Nigger?). My first inclination was that I would call him a cracker, but I thought that might have caused me not to be hired and stated as my Mother had taught me is to ignore such remarks. Months later I asked some of my fellow white officers if they had been asked similar questions during their interviews, and they all stated they had not been asked such questions.
The RPD was so narrowing minded during the assignation of the two officers that they blocked out the involvement of any whites.
"A rookie police officer's account of seeing, questioning -- but not detaining -- Lawton at Bordwell Park near the shooting just minutes after the incident was not reported by him until weeks later, after Lawton's arrest." If this suspect was Mr. Lawton he was released because he appeared to be white.
Several years ago I was told by my good friend and fellow officer Ledell Lee that he was the first officer on the scene, and was fearful that Christiansen was going to shoot him before he deceased, and had a difficult time retrieving his revolver. Officer Lee who later retired from the FBI and is African American also told me several years ago that he was told that he wasn’t invited to assist in the investigation due to he and all "Negroes" were suspect in the officers killings.
I was advised by my wife while returning from Louisiana after the shooting that the officers were killed. At that time I was on a one year leave of absence from RPD, called the department from Texas, and asked if I could be of any assistance. I was abruptly told that my assistance wasn’t needed.
"A lot of people know what happened," Tennell said of the Christiansen and Teel slayings. "People didn't talk out of fright, or didn't care, or were happy that some white cops got killed. A lot of people didn't open their mouths."
When I was told that Tennell was one of the lead investigators, and RPD had turned down the assistance of State and Federal agencies, I felt that it was a major mistake to have someone as Tenell who had controversial relationships with the minority communities would most likely screw up the investigation. I felt that his appearance of prejudice toward minorities, hippies and others would diminish his capacity to produce positive results.
It should also be mentioned that during the investigation, interviews by hypnosis of some of the RPD officers they had made statement calling Blacks "Niggers" etc.. The prosecutor could not use some of this important testimony because they did not want to expose how RACIST many of the RPD officers were.
When I took leave from RPD there were 4 "Negro" officers, (and were treated as such), out of a total force of 106. There was one African American female working in administration. When I investigated a few years ago there were 20 African American officers out of a total of 360. Things are no better now than then. For instance see..........
Selective Law enforcement is not new. When the police forces of eastern metropoli were predominately German in ethnicity, Irish immigrants were disproportionately the targets of a patrolman’s nightstick. When the Irish copper became the "keeper of the peace", the later arriving Italian experienced a rousting the Irish expertly administered, being well taught by those who had harassed them earlier. An organized civil response to such activities is not new either. Any number of protests often organized under the auspices of the church or fraternal organizations, decried the excesses of police activity in their respective communities.
Then and now, official police policy prohibited the targeting of persons based upon their ethnicity alone. This was and is so; first and foremost, because effective police and criminal investigative work cannot be predicated upon stereotyping and subjective, non-fact based assumptions. Nevertheless, it was certainly not uncommon for police personnel to speculate that criminal behavior was more likely found among people whose native language, culture and geographic point of origin ware different from their own. So why is it so difficult for people now to believe that such occurs with regularity today?
Selective law enforcement occurs in two steps. First an officer engages in what is known as "profiling". The officer has a predetermined set of characteristics in mind, more likely than not to be consistent with a criminal persona. Now officers search for particular suspects, possessing particular physical features, pursuant to allegations of a specific crime routinely. This, after all, is bread and butter police work. Profiling, however, does not occur in response to a specific crime. In his or her mind, the officer carries a picture or profile of what a person, likely to be a criminal, looks like. The second phase occurred in the application of the profile on the streets in communities and on highways.
Two additional problems conspire to close the loop on this bellicose policy and, at the same time, doom an incalculable number of otherwise innocents to confront the terror of what can, for the most part, only be deemed unlawful searches and seizures. First the profiles developed by police officers and their departments, are essentially based upon anecdotal information, wrapped in the clothe of pseudo science and dubious statistical analysis. The second is that because none of us view ourselves as members, via the immutable characteristics of birth, of a class of persons whose profile is that of a criminal, those of us who then develop the profiles are significantly more likely to include those most unlike ourselves in such profiles. Thus, when the profilers are overwhelmingly white, those profiled become overwhelmingly non-white.
Notwithstanding disclaimers to the contrary, selective law enforcement remains an active part of the police arsenal. Those of us who continue to be profiled, demand that it be brought to an end.see: